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EMR Communities of Practice

On April 1, 2020, the former AFHTO EMR Communities of Practice ( CoP) transitioned to OntarioMD.  These communities were created to bring together EMR users and vendors to work together to leverage their collective wisdom to improve access to, and use of, EMRs and digital health tools. 

Members of the individual communities, vendor representatives, and OntarioMD staff meet quarterly to:

  • Exchange ideas, knowledge, and information
  • Provide mutual support
  • Review new tools, products, and best practices.
  • Explore solutions and potential areas for improvement

OntarioMD currently facilitates five EMR Communities of Practice:

Community of Practice Vendor Representative Meeting Frequency
WELL Health Quarterly
P&PP&P Data SystemsQuarterly
QHR TechnologiesQuarterly
PS SuiteTELUS HealthQuarterly
*NEW* Collaborative Health Record (CHR) TELUS Health Quarterly

We’ve recently added a new CoP for TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR) users! To sign up, click on the Membership Form button below!

EMR CoP Membership

The EMR CoP welcome the participation of all OntarioMD-certified EMR product users, as well as staff from EMR vendors, and other external partners. CoP membership is voluntary. Participants will not receive financial compensation for their time. All CoP members are equal; their knowledge, opinions, and input are equally valued and respected. 

CoP membership does not replace or substitute any current training or support processes in place by EMR vendors. 

To join CoP, please fill in the short membership application form. 

 Membership Form

If you would like more CoP information, please email