Specialty Clinics
Community-based Specialty Clinics that provide diagnostic and assessment services such as X-Ray, Ultrasound, Nuclear Medicine, Cardiology, etc. can choose to establish a connection to OntarioMD's Health Report Manager® (HRM) to send patient reports to referring clinicians' electronic medical records (EMRs).
What are the benefits of sending reports via HRM?
Access: A growing number (9,000 and growing) of physicians and nurse practitioners across Ontario will receive your reports
Speed: Reports are delivered quickly fast and reliably right into clinicians' EMRs
Secure: Reports are encrypted to ensure secure delivery only to the clinicians identified by the sending facility
Efficiency: Realize cost savings by eliminating costlier, paper-based report delivery (fax and mail)
To learn more about HRM's benefits and how it works,
click here.

What is the process?
To send reports through HRM, interested Specialty Clinics need to build an interface following HRM's
HL7-FHIR specification. This interface will allow facilities to create messages that follow a standard format and can deliver their clinical report content securely over the internet, through HRM. OntarioMD will assist you to better understand the technical and workflow requirements and will move you through different stages of the project.
When the preparation and planning phases are complete, the development work for creating the interface can start. In parallel, we will work with your facility to obtain the required connectivity licenses to connect to HRM and transmit reports to EMRs. After the development work is complete, we will conduct testing to evaluate your interface and to make sure that it meets HRM requirements. As soon as the testing efforts are successfully completed, a Go-Live date will be scheduled for your facility.
How can my IHF / Specialty Clinic get started?
To become an HRM sending facility or if you have any questions, please contact us at support@ontariomd.com.
If you are an existing Specialty Clinic and looking for support please contact us at
To send reports through HRM, interested Specialty Clinics need to build an interface following HRM's HL7-FHIR specification. This interface will allow facilities to create messages that follow a standard format and can deliver their clinical report content securely over the internet, through HRM. OntarioMD will assist you to better understand the technical and workflow requirements and will move you through different stages of the project. HRM uses LOINC version 2.72.