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Specialty Ontario EMR Specifications

The following topics are covered in the page below:



As of March 2014, there are approximately 5,550 community-based specialists in Ontario representing over 30 different specialties. While specialists are able to leverage basic EMR functionality (e.g., patient demographics, family history, immunizations, lab results, etc.), certain specialties require additional specialty-specific functionality (e.g., specialty-specific forms, tools, integration with diagnostic equipment). To address these needs, OntarioMD is consulting with several specialties to develop EMR Requirements Specifications that will result in specialty-specific certified EMRs for these specialties.

Currently, specialists have fewer choices than general practitioners when it comes to choosing an EMR. Specialists often work with EMR vendors individually to customize their EMR. OntarioMD is working with specialist groups that represent the interests of their members to offer them suitable EMR products and save them the time and effort required for individual customization.

Community-Based Specialties:

  • Want specialty-specific functionality in addition to basic EMR functionality
  • Would like to know which certified EMRs are being used by their peers

EMR Vendors:

  • Would like to better understand specialty-specific requirements from representative groups
  • Would like OntarioMD to identify specialty-specific certified EMR products

OntarioMD's approach is to promote EMR adoption and the optimization of EMR use by specialists by:

  • Working directly with specialist groups to publish a common set of specialty-specific requirements
  • Gathering specialists' evaluations of an EMR product's alignment to the specialty-specific requirements
  • Enabling specialists to make more informed decisions when selecting an EMR by identifying the certified EMRs that have met their specialty's requirements

OntarioMD will identify certified EMR offerings that have achieved a Specialty-Specific Designation on the OntarioMD website. This designation indicates that a certified EMR offering aligns with the Specialty-Specific EMR Release and the Specialty-Specific Requirements Specification.


Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Documents



Specialty-Specific EMR Requirements Specification

Defines the specialty-specific EMR Requirements Specification

Specialty-Specific EMR Release

Defines the specialty-specific EMR Release

Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Application Form

Must be completed by the EMR vendor and submitted to OntarioMD for evaluation. A completed application form should be emailed to

Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Offering Site Reference Evaluation Worksheet

Completed by the lead physician at each of the EMR site references

Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Offering Toolbox

Contains sample forms and tools provided by the specialty that are referenced in the specialty-specific EMR Requirements Specification

Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Offering Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) - for EMR vendors

Commonly-asked questions and answers about the specialty-specific Certified EMR Offering process


Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Evaluation Process

EMR Vendors will participate in four stages to attain specialty-specific certified EMR Offering designation: Prepare, Apply, Evaluate and Publish.
Process flowchart of the 4 steps of the Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Evaluation Process: Prepare, Apply, Evaluate, Publish

The steps below explain each stage of the process with links to supporting documents.

Process flowchart highlighting 1st "Prepare" stage from the 4 steps of the Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Evaluation Process

  1. Select the specialty for which the EMR vendor wishes to apply. To apply for a specialty designation, an EMR Offering must fulfil the requirements defined in the Specialty-Specific EMR Release.
  2. Review the specialty-specific EMR release documentation.
  3. Review the specialty-specific EMR Requirements Specification for the specialty of interest.
  4. Review the specialty-specific EMR Toolbox for the specialty of interest.
  5. Work with three (3) separate practices that have implemented and are using a certified EMR Offering that aligns with the Specialty-Specific EMR Requirements Specification and Specialty-Specific EMR Release. All mandatory requirements outlined in the Specialty-Specific EMR Requirements Specification must be present at the EMR site reference.

Process flowchart highlighting the 2nd "Apply" stage from the 4 steps of the Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Evaluation Process

  1. The lead physician at each EMR site reference will complete and sign the Specialty-Specific certified EMR Site Reference Evaluation Worksheet.
  2. Complete a Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Offering Application Form for each specialty of interest.
  3. Submit the completed, signed Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Offering Application Form and three (3) Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Site Reference Evaluation Worksheets to for review.

Process flowchart highlighting 3rd "Evaluate" stage from the 4 steps of the Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Evaluation Process

  1. OntarioMD reviews the Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Offering Application Form and Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Site Reference Evaluation Worksheets and follows up with the lead physician at each EMR site reference. OntarioMD will work with the specialty committee and the EMR vendor to answer questions and resolve issues during the evaluation process.
  2. OntarioMD creates a Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Offering Evaluation Summary Report once the specialty evaluation is complete. OntarioMD will contact the EMR vendor to discuss the Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Offering Evaluation Summary Report before it is published.

Process flowchart highlighting 4th "Publish" stage from the 4 steps of the Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Evaluation Process

  1. OntarioMD will identify certified EMR offerings that have achieved a Specialty-Specific Designation by publishing the Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Offering Evaluation Summary Report on the OntarioMD website.


Specialty-Specific Certified EMR Document Links

Artifacts related to the specialty-specific Certified EMR Offering process are available in the table below by specialty.

Application Form & FAQ



Specialty Packages - Rheumatology